We work for trust. 

finance | tax | compliance

Working togheter with trust 

Our mission

Efficiently and with our customized solutions we support you through complex challenges around taxes and administration, accounting, business valuation and succession as well as wealth managing and financing opportunities in the management of your family and your company.

Our philosophy

TRUST - As a traditional Swiss partner for asset, fiduciary, legal and tax matters, we have been providing - in an independent and comprehensive way - services to private individuals as well as national and international companies since 1997.

We build trust. 

TRADITION We accompany you through various phases of life and business. In the planning and realization of all your financial, legal and tax matters as well as in your professional and entrepreneurial activities.

We value your tradition.

TRANSPARENCY - Only through transparent and clear communication there is possibile to understand the needs, recognize opportunities and reduce risks.

We communicate transparently.

Our services


We provide thorough tax advice to domestic and foreign individuals, their families and companies as well as to domestic and international corporations.


Wealthy private individuals benefit from our expertise in planning and implementing a sustainable investment strategy tailored to their specific investment needs and risk profile.


We assist you with every kind of administrative practice as we are always looking for effective solutions to simplify procedures. We suggest the corporate structure that best suits your business, support you during the incorporation procedure, organize and participate company meetings, assist in the keeping of ordinary accounts, as well as providing you with general secretarial services.

Our history

As a traditional, familiar Swiss partner for asset, fiduciary, legal and tax matters, we have been offering independent and comprehensive services to private individuals as well as national and international companies since 1974.

Your contact

We are pleased to receive your personal request which we will handle with highly confidentiality. Please simply fill out the form below or wirte an e-mail and we will contact you shortly to discuss your request personally.

Our services

Our services are primarily aimed at entrepreneurs, SMEs and private individuals with complex asset constellations.

We are supporting however also external trustees, attorneys or asset managers on a project-based basis with our expertise and our capacity to provide optimal advice to their clients.

Contact us